Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 8, 2013 Staff Share Posted April 8, 2013 How do you Feng Shui your home? Use the front door? Please click this link for a good understanding... Visit Me :- =============================== Older "Fragmented" Resources =============================== The placement of the main entrance is often influenced by the architect's decision to connect it to a communal corridor. This straightforward example highlights the fact that the main door's position can differ depending on how the architect links it to the common corridor of a residential building. Quote On 8/10/2006 7:53:52 AM, Anonymous wrote: Part II===== 1. Further to what I had mentioned, sometimes, it may be easier to determine the sitting position. Especially if there is a distinct hill or slope e.g. behind the property. We could "safely" say that the facing is directly opposite this. 2. In Singapore, especially for the 3 room Housing and Development Board flats (HDB), we often find that we enter the apartment from the front. And it is easy to say that this is often the facing direction or the "mouth-of-the-house". 3. However, nowadays, many apartments are squeezed so tight and clustered in a snake like formation, the main door can nearly be at any direction. 4. For a condo or apartment. It is best to check on one's life-style habit. Does one often leave the main door open? Or close it most of the time? 5. For many who live in a condo, I have seen majority of the residents close the main door (unless they fixed a grille at the main door). Yet, many do close this door. If we do close this door, then, it does not make much sense to say that this is the "mouth-of-the-house". 6. Furthermore, many condos and even new HDB apartments have main doors at "odd" placement. And often, if we have to negotiate a turn into the home from the main door, most likely, this may not be the natural "facing direction". 7. This is similiar to what I had mentioned for a landed property under Para 1, where if the main door is at the side. And if there are other landed properties where this main door faces the side of the neighbour's apartment, most likely this should not be the main door. 8. In fact, I am very sadden by the fact that, some local practitioners try to scare their would be clients not to take up Feng Shui from others who do not take readings from the main door of an apartment. 9. Look at it this way, countries like Singapore and Hong Kong have majority of their residents staying in an apartment (condo or HDB) andFeng Shui for apartments is quite modern. And as mentioned above,the main door can be located at very odd locations and it should not be construde as the main door. 10. I believe, many of such practitioners either live in the stone age ormost likely wear spectacles but if one peers closely at their spectacles, these spectacles have "tunnel vision lens". 11. Therefore, check to see where is most likely the "mouth-of-the-house". And in many of the common approaches are: 11.1 If the home has four sides of windows, try to figure out, firstly which side has more light. The idea of more light is more practical than the amount of wind coming into a home. 11.2 More light would often suggest, that there are more floor area of window or the mouth-of-the house. 11.3 To use the amount of wind blowing into the windows etc.. may not be an exact science, since, high /low pressures within a day can differ. Therefore, wind can blow from any side of the home at any given time. This is particuarly true for an island like Singapore, which is surrounded by water. And it is said that in a high pressure days, air circulate either clock-wise or anti-clockwise for low pressure days. 12. The idea that the higher one's apartment is, we should take the reading from the balcony or the location where most lightcomes in makes more sense also. Many people feel that when our apartment goes as high as 6, 7 or 8th storeys, and if we do see much light coming thru, here, then this should be the mouth-of-the house. 13. However, if one lives in a highrise, and if our views are blocked by an immediate neigbhouring block and if we have the habbit to open the main door (leaving it open most of the time), then, even if at a higher storey, we could then perhaps, use this as the main door. 13.Given, the above examples, one can therefore see that thereis no right or wrong answers. 14. More importantly, if you do check on a practitioner, check to see if the practitioner use the term "IT DEPENDS". If so, the practitioner is most likely a better practitioner - who does not go for only one method. 15. If the practitioner - says that every other method is WRONG! It must be the main door, please steer clear of this "dead-wood", myopic practitioner! Unfortunately, there are many of these in Singapore. It shows how inflexible, such people are. Feng Shui was developed at the time where there were few if any highrise. And, it is very sad to say that many of such schools, feel that only their method is RIGHT and sometimes, these practitioners will quote some famous practitioners dead or alive. Who cares, do remember the fundamentals and we are better off. Warmest Regards,Cecil Expand 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 27, 2013 Staff Share Posted June 27, 2013 Part II=====1. Further to what I had mentioned, sometimes, it may be easier to determine the sitting position. Especially if there is a distinct hill or slope e.g. behind the property. We could "safely" say that the facing is directly opposite this.2. In Singapore, especially for the 3 room Housing and Development Board flats (HDB), we often find that we enter the apartment from the front. And it is easy to say that this is often the facing direction or the "mouth-of-the-house".3. However, nowadays, many apartments are squeezed so tight and clustered in a snake like formation, the main door can nearly be at any direction.4. For a condo or apartment. It is best to check on one's life-style habit. Does one often leave the main door open? Or close it most of the time?5. For many who live in a condo, I have seen majority of the residents close the main door (unless they fixed a grille at the main door). Yet, many do close this door. If we do close this door, then, it does not make much sense to say that this is the "mouth-of-the-house".6. Furthermore, many condos and even new HDB apartments have main doors at "odd" placement. And often, if we have to negotiate a turn into the home from the main door, most likely, this may not be the natural "facing direction". 7. This is similiar to what I had mentioned for a landed property under Para 1, where if the main door is at the side. And if there are other landed properties where this main door faces the side of the neighbour's apartment, most likely this should not be the main door.8. In fact, I am very sadden by the fact that, some local practitioners try to scare their would be clients not to take up Feng Shui from others who do not take readings from the main door of an apartment.9. Look at it this way, countries like Singapore and Hong Kong have majority of their residents staying in an apartment (condo or HDB) andFeng Shui for apartments is quite modern. And as mentioned above,the main door can be located at very odd locations and it should not be construde as the main door.10. I believe, many of such practitioners either live in the stone age ormost likely wear spectacles but if one peers closely at their spectacles, these spectacles have "tunnel vision lens".11. Therefore, check to see where is most likely the "mouth-of-the-house". And in many of the common approaches are:11.1 If the home has four sides of windows, try to figure out, firstly which side has more light. The idea of more light is more practical than the amount of wind coming into a home.11.2 More light would often suggest, that there are more floor area of window or the mouth-of-the house. 11.3 To use the amount of wind blowing into the windows etc.. may not be an exact science, since, high /low pressures within a day can differ. Therefore, wind can blow from any side of the home at any given time. This is particuarly true for an island like Singapore, which is surrounded by water. And it is said that in a high pressure days, air circulate either clock-wise or anti-clockwise for low pressure days.12. The idea that the higher one's apartment is, we should take the reading from the balcony or the location where most lightcomes in makes more sense also. Many people feel that when our apartment goes as high as 6, 7 or 8th storeys, and if we do see much light coming thru, here, then this should be the mouth-of-the house.13. However, if one lives in a highrise, and if our views are blocked by an immediate neigbhouring block and if we have the habbit to open the main door (leaving it open most of the time), then, even if at a higher storey, we could then perhaps, use this as the main door.13.Given, the above examples, one can therefore see that thereis no right or wrong answers. 14. More importantly, if you do check on a practitioner, check to see if the practitioner use the term "IT DEPENDS". If so, the practitioner is most likely a better practitioner - who does not go for only one method.15. If the practitioner - says that every other method is WRONG! It must be the main door, please steer clear of this "dead-wood", myopic practitioner! Unfortunately, there are many of these in Singapore. It shows how inflexible, such people are. Feng Shui was developed at the time where there were few if any highrise. And, it is very sad to say that many of such schools, feel that only their method is RIGHT and sometimes, these practitioners will quote some famous practitioners dead or alive. Who cares, do remember the fundamentals and we are better off.Warmest Regards,Cecil Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 22, 2013 Staff Share Posted November 22, 2013 Someone posted this enquiry:-" Thanks for your kind help.May I also know like all my living hall and 3 bedrooms windows are all facing the same directions South, does that mean the house of the facing are towards south and my back support will be North? Thanks and regards,A...... "Dear A,1. It depends. Usually, if you may not often leave the main door open (when at home) or when you approach a home and the area around the main door is dim; then most likely, the FACING direction in this example is "South" and not "North (assuming main door is here).2. Safest is if not sure at the moment; stand inside the living room looking out of the windows or balcony area.3. What is most important fundamentally; here is that why we determine the facing direction is chiefly for the purpose of calculating the Flying Star of a home. And this is the root of it all.4. As mentioned in my link; a main door can join each stack to whatever the architect wants all stacks to be "glued" together.5. Anyway, if the house is a North - South or South - North it still is considered better or best for an East group person. Quote On 6/27/2013 12:06:41 PM, Anonymous wrote:Part II=====1. Further to what I hadmentioned, sometimes, it maybe easier to determine thesitting position. Especiallyif there is a distinct hill orslope e.g. behind theproperty. We could "safely"say that the facing isdirectly opposite this.2. In Singapore, especiallyfor the 3 room Housing andDevelopment Board flats (HDB),we often find that we enterthe apartment from the front.And it is easy to say thatthis is often the facingdirection or the"mouth-of-the-house".3. However, nowadays, manyapartments are squeezed sotight and clustered in a snakelike formation, the main doorcan nearly be at anydirection.4. For a condo or apartment.It is best to check on one'slife-style habit. Does oneoften leave the main dooropen? Or close it most of thetime?5. For many who live in acondo, I have seen majority ofthe residents close the maindoor (unless they fixed agrille at the main door). Yet,many do close this door. If wedo close this door, then, itdoes not make much sense tosay that this is the"mouth-of-the-house".6. Furthermore, many condosand even new HDB apartmentshave main doors at "odd"placement. And often, if wehave to negotiate a turn intothe home from the main door,most likely, this may not bethe natural "facingdirection".7. This is similiar to what Ihad mentioned for a landedproperty under Para 1, whereif the main door is at theside. And if there are otherlanded properties where thismain door faces the side ofthe neighbour's apartment,most likely this should not bethe main door.8. In fact, I am very saddenby the fact that, some localpractitioners try to scaretheir would be clients not totake up Feng Shui from otherswho do not take readings fromthe main door of an apartment.9. Look at it this way,countries like Singapore andHong Kong have majority oftheir residents staying in anapartment (condo or HDB)andFeng Shui forapartments is quite modern.And as mentionedabove,the main door canbe located at very oddlocations and it should not beconstrude as the main door.10. I believe, many of suchpractitioners either live inthe stone age ormostlikely wear spectacles but ifone peers closely at theirspectacles, these spectacleshave "tunnel vision lens".11. Therefore, check tosee where is most likely the"mouth-of-the-house". And inmany of the common approachesare:11.1 If the home has foursides of windows, try tofigure out, firstly which sidehas more light. The idea ofmore light is more practicalthan the amount of wind cominginto a home.11.2 More light would oftensuggest, that there are morefloor area of window or themouth-of-the house.11.3 To use the amount of windblowing into the windows etc..may not be an exact science,since, high /low pressureswithin a day can differ.Therefore, wind can blow fromany side of the home at anygiven time. This isparticuarly true for an islandlike Singapore, which issurrounded by water. And it issaid that in a high pressuredays, air circulate eitherclock-wise or anti-clockwisefor low pressure days.12. The idea that the higherone's apartment is, we shouldtake the reading from thebalcony or the location wheremost lightcomes in makesmore sense also. Many peoplefeel that when our apartmentgoes as high as 6, 7 or 8thstoreys, and if we do see muchlight coming thru, here, thenthis should be themouth-of-the house.13. However, if one lives in ahighrise, and if our views areblocked by an immediateneigbhouring block and if wehave the habbit to open themain door (leaving it openmost of the time), then, evenif at a higher storey, wecould then perhaps, use thisas the main door.13.Given, the aboveexamples, one can thereforesee that thereis noright or wrong answers.14. More importantly, if youdo check on a practitioner,check to see if thepractitioner use the term "ITDEPENDS". If so, thepractitioner is most likely abetter practitioner - who doesnot go for only one method.15. If the practitioner - saysthat every other method isWRONG! It must be the maindoor, please steer clear ofthis "dead-wood", myopicpractitioner! Unfortunately,there are many of these inSingapore. It shows howinflexible, such people are.Feng Shui was developed at thetime where there were few ifany highrise. And, it is verysad to say that many of suchschools, feel that only theirmethod is RIGHT and sometimes,these practitioners will quotesome famous practitioners deador alive. Who cares, doremember the fundamentals andwe are better off.Warmest Regards,Cecil Expand 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 22, 2013 Staff Share Posted November 22, 2013 "Sorry, need to ask another question again. As I am curious of the facing direction because what I want to get the particular unit is all windows at living hall and 3 rooms windows are facing the(hidden - a specific)country club golf course and I assume this area should be better for the house facing in-front rather than behind where there is no support? Correct me if I am wrong.Thanks and regards,A"Another way of looking is:"Just imagine if the apartment is a landed property. You would drive UP to the frontage right? And the frontage should be where you had described.""Who would drive to the "back-side" of the home or apartment."Furthermore, you have deduced it based on? Common sense.And common sense prevails over whatever may be written. In general, statements written are not cast in stone............ Quote On 11/22/2013 3:11:29 PM, Anonymous wrote:Someone posted this enquiry:-"Thanks for your kindhelp.May I also knowlike all my living hall and 3bedrooms windows are allfacing the same directionsSouth, does that mean thehouse of the facing aretowards south and my backsupport will be North?Thanks andregards,A...... "Dear A,1. It depends. Usually, if youmay not often leave the maindoor open (when at home) orwhen you approach a home andthe area around the main dooris dim; then most likely, theFACING direction in thisexample is "South" and not"North (assuming main door ishere).2. Safest is if not sure atthe moment; stand inside theliving room looking out of thewindows or balcony area.3. What is most importantfundamentally; here is thatwhy we determine the facingdirection is chiefly for thepurpose of calculating theFlying Star of a home. Andthis is the root of it all.4. As mentioned in my link; amain door can join each stackto whatever the architectwants all stacks to be "glued"together. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 27, 2014 Staff Share Posted August 27, 2014 For this apartment in this block; even in day-light conditions, the main door entrance is dim and dark.If so, for this apartment, this cannot be the frontage as no natural light falls within the entrance area. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 10, 2016 Staff Share Posted March 10, 2016 These unit's main door even during the day-time is dim. Thus, from a Feng Shui point of view; should not be considered the frontage at all. Quote On 8/27/2014 8:50:49 AM, Anonymous wrote:For this apartment in thisblock; even in day-lightconditions, the main doorentrance is dim and dark.Ifso, for this apartment, thiscannot be the frontage as nonatural light falls within theentrance area. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 28, 2016 Staff Share Posted May 28, 2016 A conservative geomancer would often quote from old texts that one MUST stand-inside the main door looking outwards to take a compass reading to find the FRONTAGE of a house. However, during that time, this is relevant. But nowadays, many homes are high-rise = apartments. And majority of geomancers have considered perhaps, the frontage of? these apartments could instead be standing inside the living room looking out of the balcony / windows. Or the direction of the apartment where there are the most openings or windows. Many geomancers still feel that it is fair (most) of the time + normally the main door may be the frontage. Unless there are some breath-taking views at the back of the landed compound or it's sides. This is in-line with the idea of the frontage in the first place. Quote On 3/10/2016 5:22:32 PM, Anonymous wrote:>For this>apartment in this>block; even in>day-light>conditions, the main>door>entrance is dim and>dark.If>so, for this apartment,>this>cannot be the frontage as>no>natural light falls within>the>entrance area. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 29, 2016 Author Staff Share Posted August 29, 2016 The Key success factor of applying Flying Star Feng Shui... Where the most Yang qi + light filters into the home. Thus the FRONTAGE or MOUTH does not always mean the front door (main entrance). Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 29, 2016 Author Staff Share Posted August 29, 2016 Sir, you face looks very pale.... anything wrong? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kunal Posted May 19, 2017 Share Posted May 19, 2017 Dear master, i have been following your channel from long time and thank you for providing such priceless knowledge. my building was built in period 8 and i moved in it in month of december... currently my house main door is facing NE 31 degree (we created new main door 2 months back) we joined two flats and created a common main door as you can see in the plan. but before that there was no main door and two separate entry. I have experienced myself after doing main door there has being problems in our financial condition for last 2 months and before that it was kind of smooth from the day we entered. Is the main door reason for you can see there is unwanted airflow (2) which is kind of open space as show in image.... is there any remedy for this? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 8, 2017 Author Staff Share Posted July 8, 2017 Feng Shui is always the direction of " The Main Door" right? It really Depends! Simple illustration:- 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Superstitious Posted July 11, 2017 Share Posted July 11, 2017 Can west clan group buys a east facing house (i.e. N2)? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 24, 2017 Author Staff Share Posted November 24, 2017 HDB Buangkok Edgeview flats. These main doors are so dim.. thus should not be considered as the frontage of the home. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 12, 2018 Author Staff Share Posted July 12, 2018 The corridor leading to the main door at Parc Rosewood is both narrow and dim! Thus should not be considered as the frontage. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 30, 2018 Author Staff Share Posted July 30, 2018 More resources on HDB facing direction Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 26, 2018 Author Staff Share Posted November 26, 2018 I suggest you read this article Sound logical in e explanation Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 13, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted July 13, 2024 On 6/27/2013 at 12:06 PM, Cecil Lee said: Part II ===== 1. Further to what I had mentioned, sometimes, it may be easier to determine the sitting position. Especially if there is a distinct hill or slope e.g. behind the property. We could "safely" say that the facing is directly opposite this. 2. In Singapore, especially for the 3 room Housing and Development Board flats (HDB), we often find that we enter the apartment from the front. And it is easy to say that this is often the facing direction or the "mouth-of-the-house". 3. However, nowadays, many apartments are squeezed so tight and clustered in a snake like formation, the main door can nearly be at any direction. 4. For a condo or apartment. It is best to check on one's life-style habit. Does one often leave the main door open? Or close it most of the time? 5. For many who live in a condo, I have seen majority of the residents close the main door (unless they fixed a grille at the main door). Yet, many do close this door. If we do close this door, then, it does not make much sense to say that this is the "mouth-of-the-house". 6. Furthermore, many condos and even new HDB apartments have main doors at "odd" placement. And often, if we have to negotiate a turn into the home from the main door, most likely, this may not be the natural "facing direction". 7. This is similiar to what I had mentioned for a landed property under Para 1, where if the main door is at the side. And if there are other landed properties where this main door faces the side of the neighbour's apartment, most likely this should not be the main door. 8. In fact, I am very sadden by the fact that, some local practitioners try to scare their would be clients not to take up Feng Shui from others who do not take readings from the main door of an apartment. 9. Look at it this way, countries like Singapore and Hong Kong have majority of their residents staying in an apartment (condo or HDB) andFeng Shui for apartments is quite modern. And as mentioned above,the main door can be located at very odd locations and it should not be construde as the main door. 10. I believe, many of such practitioners either live in the stone age ormost likely wear spectacles but if one peers closely at their spectacles, these spectacles have "tunnel vision lens". 11. Therefore, check to see where is most likely the "mouth-of-the-house". And in many of the common approaches are: 11.1 If the home has four sides of windows, try to figure out, firstly which side has more light. The idea of more light is more practical than the amount of wind coming into a home. 11.2 More light would often suggest, that there are more floor area of window or the mouth-of-the house. 11.3 To use the amount of wind blowing into the windows etc.. may not be an exact science, since, high /low pressures within a day can differ. Therefore, wind can blow from any side of the home at any given time. This is particuarly true for an island like Singapore, which is surrounded by water. And it is said that in a high pressure days, air circulate either clock-wise or anti-clockwise for low pressure days. 12. The idea that the higher one's apartment is, we should take the reading from the balcony or the location where most lightcomes in makes more sense also. Many people feel that when our apartment goes as high as 6, 7 or 8th storeys, and if we do see much light coming thru, here, then this should be the mouth-of-the house. 13. However, if one lives in a highrise, and if our views are blocked by an immediate neigbhouring block and if we have the habbit to open the main door (leaving it open most of the time), then, even if at a higher storey, we could then perhaps, use this as the main door. 13.Given, the above examples, one can therefore see that thereis no right or wrong answers. 14. More importantly, if you do check on a practitioner, check to see if the practitioner use the term "IT DEPENDS". If so, the practitioner is most likely a better practitioner - who does not go for only one method. 15. If the practitioner - says that every other method is WRONG! It must be the main door, please steer clear of this "dead-wood", myopic practitioner! Unfortunately, there are many of these in Singapore. It shows how inflexible, such people are. Feng Shui was developed at the time where there were few if any highrise. And, it is very sad to say that many of such schools, feel that only their method is RIGHT and sometimes, these practitioners will quote some famous practitioners dead or alive. Who cares, do remember the fundamentals and we are better off. Warmest Regards, Cecil Expand In Summary, 1. In addition to my previous point, there are instances where determining the orientation of a sitting position can be made easier. This is particularly true when there is a noticeable hill or slope located behind the property. It can be confidently stated that the front of the property directly faces this feature. 2. In Singapore, particularly with 3-room Housing and Development Board flats (HDB), it is common to enter the apartment from the front. It is often assumed that this direction represents the facing of the property or the entrance, so to speak. 3. Nowadays, due to the compact and clustered nature of many apartments, the main door can be situated in almost any direction. 4. When considering a condo or apartment, it is advisable to take into account one's lifestyle habits. Does one typically leave the main door open or closed? 5. In many condo residences, it is observed that the majority of residents keep the main door closed (unless a grille is installed). While some do leave it open, if the door is consistently closed, it may not accurately represent the "mouth-of-the-house." 6. Moreover, numerous condos and newer HDB apartments have main doors placed in unconventional positions. If navigating a turn upon entering the home from the main door feels unnatural, it is likely not the true facing direction. 7. This situation is reminiscent of the scenario described for a landed property in Paragraph 1, where a side-facing main door, particularly towards a neighbor's apartment, should not be considered the primary entrance. 8. It is disheartening to witness local practitioners attempting to dissuade potential clients from seeking Feng Shui advice from others who do not base their readings on the main door of an apartment. 9. Consider the prevalence of apartment living in countries like Singapore and Hong Kong, where Feng Shui practices for apartments are relatively modern. As previously mentioned, main doors can be situated in unconventional locations and should not be hastily interpreted. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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